Crashlytics in the Firebase Console
Managing the Crashlytics results in your Firebase console.
Once you have Crashlytics up and running in your app, you can navigate to Crashlytics in your Firebase Console underneath 'Quality' and start reviewing the reports as they come in. If this page still tells you to setup, build or run your app then you have not correctly setup Crashlytics in your app (see Usage).
Keep in mind when testing out Crashlytics that Crashlytics is disabled by default in debug mode.
Upon running the first two examples under usage, you will be shown a display similar to following image.

If you are certain that your app has produced error reports, but none are visible, try restarting your app fully. Crashlytics only uploads reports upon launching the app.
Under issues, Firebase has gathered all the reports from your app and organized them into separate issues, where each
issue is a unique crash or stack trace in your app. One of the issues visible in the example shown originates from
which is the Android module responsible for testing Crashlytics through the crash
method, throwing an uncaught exception
to crash the app. Using this method on the same platform will always add reports to the same issue.
Managing issues
By clicking on a specific issue, you can view its statistics and all the associated reports in more detail. In this example
we're viewing the

Here you're shown the breakdown of this issue by date, device and operating system. On the bottom you can browse specific
reports and view their specific contents. We have selected the logs part of the report, showing the two custom log messages
that our example generated. Note that there is a third Crash Test
log automatically generated by Crashlytics upon using the
method. By navigating to data you can view information about the platform where the report was generated and information
about the associated user. Under keys you can see the custom attributes that we have attached to the report.
Closing issues
Note that in the top right there is a button that says 'Close'. After having addressed an issue you can close it, allowing you to filter it out in the overview by selecting 'Open' under 'Issue state', when clicking on the 'Filter issues' button. This is visible in the first example, where we're displaying only 3 relevant non-fatal events out of the 12 that occurred. When the same issue re-occurs, it will automatically open again. By clicking the arrow next to the button we can mute the issue, preventing this from happening.